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Autodesk revit 2017 (r1) mep fundamentals pdf free. ❤️PDF⚡️ Autodesk Revit 2020: Fundamentals for MEP (Imperial Units): Autodesk Authorized PublisherAutodesk revit 2017 (r1) mep fundamentals pdf free. Revit 2017 Arch Fund-Metric-Eval
Lower Prices. Views Downloads 82 File size 4MB. Usman Effendi, MS Lab. As you are working, you autodesk revit 2017 (r1) mep fundamentals pdf free duplicate and change views to display different information autodesk revit 2017 (r1) mep fundamentals pdf free on the same view of the model. Callouts, elevations, and sections are especially important views for construction documents. For example, you can have views that are specifically used for working on the model, while other views are annotated and used for construction documents.
Different disciplines can have different views that show only the features they require, as shown in Figure 7—1. For example, you can gray out all foundation elements by modifying the category in a Structural Plan, as shown in Figure 7—2. Select the elements or categories you want to hide. The elements or categories are hidden in current view only. A quick way to hide entire categories is to select an element s and type VH.
Select the element s you want to modify. The exact options in the dialog box vary depending on the type of elements selected. Figure 7—4 3. Select the changes you want to make and click OK. The Expand All button displays all of the sub-categories. To display hidden elements, however, you must temporarily reveal the elements first. The border and all hidden elements are displayed in magenta, while visible elements in the view are grayed out, as shown in Figure autodesk revit 2017 (r1) mep fundamentals pdf free.
Figure 7—8 2. Additional options include temporary overrides and other advanced settings. The options in Properties vary according to the type of view. A plan view has different properties than a 3D view. Figure 7—10 Setting an Underlay Setting an Underlay is helpful if you need to display elements on a different level, such as the basement plan shown with an underlay of the first floor plan in Figure 7— You can then use the elements to trace over or even copy продолжение здесь the current level of the view.
Underlays are only available in Floor Plan and Ceiling Plan views. How To: Set the View Range 1. Click OK. Figure 7—14 Far Clipping shown in Figure 7—15 is available for section ссылка на продолжение elevation views. One way to do this is to set the Crop Region. If there are dimensions, tags, or text near the required crop region, you can also use the Annotation Crop Region to include these, as shown in Figure 7— Breaking the crop region is typically used with sections or details.
Annotation Crop is also available in this area. Each part of the view can then be modified in size to display what is required and be страница independently. In the View Control Bar, click Region. Instead, you can duplicate the required views and modify them to suit your needs.
Duplication Types Duplicate creates a copy of the view that only includes the building elements, as shown in Figure 7— Annotation and detailing are not copied into the new view. Building model elements automatically change in all views, but view-specific changes made to the new view are not reflected in the original view. Duplicate Original Figure 7—18 Duplicate with Autodesk revit 2017 (r1) mep fundamentals pdf free creates a copy of the view and includes all annotation and detail elements such as tagsas shown in Figure 7— Any annotation or view-specific elements created in the new view are not reflected in the original view.
View-specific /51058.txt made to the overall view, such as changing the Scale, are also reflected in the dependent child views and vice-versa. How To: Create Duplicate Views 1. Open the view you want to duplicate. Most types of views can be autodesk revit 2017 (r1) mep fundamentals pdf free.
In the Rename View dialog box, type in the new name, as shown in Figure 7— Estimated time for completion: 10 minutes In this practice you will create an analytical view by duplicating a view and then applying an analytical view template that sets the view display, as shown in Figure 7— Figure 7—24 Task 1 - Duplicate views. Open Practice-Model-Views. Open the Structural Plans: Level 2 view. Open the Structural Plans: Level 2 - Analytical view to see the difference between the two views.
Close both of the Level 2 views. In the Project Browser, right-click on the copy and rename it Level 1 - Analytical. Verify that only the two Level 1 views are open and tile them Hint: type WT.
Zoom each view so that you can see the entire building. Hint: type ZA. In the Нажмите сюда Browser, select the new Level 1 - Analytical view.
Right-click and select Apply Template Properties The new view displays with analytical indicators, as shown on the right in Figure 7— Figure 7—25 Close the analytical view and maximize the Level 1 view window. Save the project. When you place a callout in a view, as shown in Figure 7—26, it automatically creates a new view clipped to the boundary of the callout, as shown in Figure 7— If you change the size of the callout box in the original view, it automatically updates the callout view and vice-versa.
You can create rectangular or sketched callout boundaries. Select points for two autodesk revit 2017 (r1) mep fundamentals pdf free corners to define the callout box around the area you want to detail. Select the callout and use autodesk revit 2017 (r1) mep fundamentals pdf free shape handles to modify the location of the bubble and any other edges that might need changing.
In the Project Browser, rename the callout. Figure 7—28 3. Click Finish to complete the boundary. Select the callout and use the shape handles to modify the location of the bubble and any other edges that might need to be changed. In the original view where the callout is created, you can use the shape handles to modify the callout boundary and bubble location, as shown in Figure 7— The callout bubble displays numbers when the view is placed on a sheet.
You can also resize the crop region and the annotation по этой ссылке region using the Crop Region Size dialog box as shown in Figure 7— Estimated time for completion: 5 minutes In this practice you will create a callout view of the elevator pit читать далее, as shown in Figure 7— Figure 7—32 Task 1 - Add a callout view. Open Practice-Model-Callouts.
Ensure that you are in the Structural Plans: Level 1 view. Figure 7—33 4. Draw a callout box around the elevator pit walls, as shown in Figure 7— Move the callout bubble as required. Figure 7—34 7.
Open the view to display the callout. Return to the Level 1 view. Any changes made in one of these views such as the section in Figure 7—35changes the entire model and any changes made windows 10 pro or enterprise which is better free the project model are also displayed in the elevations and sections.
Elevations are face-on views of the interiors and exteriors of a building. You can create additional building elevation views at other angles or framing elevations, as shown in Figure 7— When you add an elevation or section to a sheet, the autodesk revit 2017 (r1) mep fundamentals pdf free number and sheet number are automatically added to the view title.
The most common use for a framing elevation is to generate braced frames and shear wall elevations. How To: Create an Elevation The software remembers the last elevation type used, so you can click the top button if you want to use the same elevation command. In the Type Selector, select the elevation type. Two types come with the templates: Building Elevation and Interior Elevation. Move the cursor near one of the walls that defines the elevation.
The marker follows the angle of the wall. Click to place the marker. How To: Create Framing Elevations 1. Open a plan view. Hover the cursor over a grid line to display an elevation element, as shown in Figure 7— Click to add the marker. Figure 7—38 4.
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